Dennis - traduzione in francese
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Dennis - traduzione in francese

Dennis (surname); Dennis (given name)

Dennis, male first name; family name; John Dennis (1657-1734), British dramatist and critic
n. Denis, male first name; Denis Diderot, French writer and philosopher openely fighting against christianity (1713-1784)


A woman who has so much pent up rage, anger, and sexual frustration she goes into denial about her life.
Ryan: You know Katie?Eric: Yeah, she's a total Hastert. One day she says she loves me, the next day she says, I never said that! Shut up, idiot!



Dennis or Denis is a first or last name from the Greco-Roman name Dionysius, via one of the Christian saints named Dionysius.

The name came from Dionysus, the Greek god of ecstatic states, particularly those produced by wine, which is sometimes said to be derived from the Greek Dios (Διός, "of Zeus") and Nysos or Nysa (Νῦσα), where the young god was raised. Dionysus (or Dionysos; also known as Bacchus in Roman mythology and associated with the Italic Liber), the Thracian god of wine, represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficent influences. He is viewed as the promoter of civilization, a lawgiver, and a lover of peace—as well as the patron deity of both agriculture and the theatre.

Dionysus is a god of mystery religious rites, such as those practised in honour of Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis near Athens. In the Thracian mysteries, he wears the "bassaris" or fox-skin, symbolizing new life. (See also Maenads.)

A mediaeval Latinised form of the Anglo-Norman surname Le Denys was Dacus, which correctly meant Dacian, but when the Vikings were about was often used to mean "Danish" or "The Dane". The name became modernised as Denys, then later as Dennis.

Alternative forms and spellings of the name include Denis, Denys, Dennys, Denish, Deon, Deonne, Deonte, and Dion, Dionice. Diminutive forms include Den, Dennoh, Deno, Denny, Deny and Deen.

The name Sydenie (alternate spellings: Sydney or Sidney) may derive from a village in Normandy called Saint-Denis. A medieval diminutive was Dye, from which the names Dyson and Tyson are derived.

Dennis is a very popular English, Irish and Danish name, common throughout the English-speaking world, and a very popular French name, common throughout the Francophone world. It is also common as a German, Italian, Dutch, Croatian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, Brazilian, Bosnian, and Albanian name.

Dionizy is the Polish version of the name, while Dionigi and Dionisio are the Italian versions of the name. The Irish name Donnchadh is sometimes anglicised as Denis, but has a different origin and is in fact related to the names Duncan and Donagh. Feminine versions of the name include: Denise, Denisa, Deni, Denice, Deniece, Dione, and Dionne.

Esempi di pronuncia per Dennis
1. Dennis--
Your Network is Your Net Worth _ Porter Gale _ Talks at Google
2. Dennis Johnson.
Building a Championship Culture _ Rick Welts & Jennifer Azzi _ Talks at Google
3. about Dennis.
Hopper - A Journey into the American Dream _ Tom Folsom _ Talks at Google
4. now, Dennis.
Good Vibrations - My Life as a Beach Boy _ Mike Love _ Talks at Google
5. but Dennis works at Google now, Dennis Yu.
Digit Murphy _ Play it Forward _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per Dennis
1. Le financier Dennis Gartman lui donne 25% de chance.
2. Les principes de Dennis sont simples, par rapport aux méthodes mathématiques actuelles.
3. Il avait auparavant mis en garde contre la virulence de Dennis÷ "C‘est sérieux.
4. Les premiers effets de l‘ouragan Dennis à la Havane le 8 juillet 2005 © AFP Adalberto RoqueEn moins de 24 heures jeudi, Dennis s‘était transformé de dépression tropicale en cyclone, grimpant au quatrième des cinq degrés de l‘échelle de Saffir–Simpson.
5. Dennis devrait aborder le continent américain dimanche entre la péninsule de Floride et le Mississipi.